Operation of the Council

  1. Members
    • AISOCC Members will be non-profit international AI societies and conferences with a primarily scientific remit.
    • Any Councilor or the President can propose a new Member to the Council. Organizations can propose themselves for membership by contacting the Council President.
    • New Members can be invited to join the Council by a Council vote.
    • Members can be expelled by a Council vote or can decide to leave the Council by notifying the President.
  2. Councilors
    • Each Member will be represented by an AISOCC Councilor.
    • Members set their own procedures for appointing their Councilors.
    • Councilors are expected to attend all Council meetings and actively contribute to
      the Council’s deliverables.
  3. President
    • The role of the Council President is to encourage and facilitate Council activity.
    • The Council President will be elected by a vote of the Council.
    • The President’s term is two years and starts on January 1st.
    • The President will prepare an Annual Report of Council activity.
    • The President does not have to be a Councilor.
    • Any Councilor can nominate a candidate for President. Councilors can self-nominate.
    • Presidents can serve up to two consecutive terms.
    • In the event that the President becomes unable to fulfill the duties of President, a vote will be held to elect a President to fill out the term.
    • The Council can vote to remove a President.
  4. Voting
    • The Council can vote on any topic that is relevant to the mission of the Council, including changing the bylaws and admitting/expelling Members.
    • Changing the bylaws and admitting/expelling Members requires a supermajority (2/3rds) of all the Councilors.
    • Any other decision requires a majority of the Councilors voting, with a quorum of 50% of the Council.
    • When voting is performed during a meeting, proxies are allowed, with at most one per councilor participating in the meeting.
    • The President will administer the voting process in a transparent manner giving appropriate information and time to the Councilors to vote.
    • Council votes will be communicated by the Councilors to the Members who will consider it as a proposal to be discussed and decided through their respective decision processes.
  5. Meetings
    • Council meetings will be held online or in person. The in person meetings should allow also for online participation.
    • It is expected to have at least two meetings per year, of which at least one should be in person.
    • The location of the in person meeting will be decided by a vote of the Council.
    • Council meetings should produce summaries of the discussion and the results of the votes.
    • The work of the Council can also be performed between meetings, as decided by the Council or the President.
    • Any Councilor can present proposals to the President for topics to be discussed, either during a meeting or between meetings.
  6. Information sharing
    • Council’s deliverables will be shared with the Members.
    • Councilors can request confidentiality on some information they share with the Council during the Council’s activities. The Councilors are expected to honor such requests.
    • To prepare the Council’s deliverables, the discussion of the Council can involve other participants outside the Council if they are expected to bring relevant useful information. Such participants also are expected to honor the confidentiality requests.